In the last couple of days two discussions I had have been posted to the internet as podcasts. They both spend quite a bit of time on gender before talking about my work but I’m really quite happy that I managed to cover both in a consistent manner. Continue reading “Podcasts of November”
10 Years a Comedian, 3 in a Skirt
It’s official. Tessa & I, with a mystery guest, are doing a show in the 2019 Auckland Fringe festival. We are going to to an open-mic where Tessa is the MC & I am all but one of the acts.
We’ve renamed the show, previously Stand-up in a Skirt, to 10 Years a Comedian, 3 in a Skirt.
Each act will be a short performance from my past that is significant in my development as a comedian. The video of the original performance will play silently while I perform to the original script. This gives the authenticity of the historical performance coupled with my vastly improved performance skills.
We’ll be performing it 20th to 23rd of February. The first two days at the Pump House in Takapuna and the last two at TST Studio in Eden Terrace.
Following our joint show, Tessa will be doing her solo show. Same nights, same venue. We’re looking at some way of doing joint ticketing for loyal fans.
Watch this space or my comedy page on Facebook for more details.
Stand-up in a skirt early planning
I’ve started creating my next solo show which will be a return, both literally and thematically, to my comedy roots. My working title for the show is Stand-up in a skirt (SUIS), although that may well change before I actually perform the show.
SUIS is the story of the development of my comedy before and since my realization I needed to transition. Continue reading “Stand-up in a skirt early planning”
After the show: 50 Years Before The Frock
A few days after my non-comedy show 50 Years Before The Frock at Auckland Fringe I sat down and wrote up a report on things I learned when putting the show together & doing publicity.
The report’s up here on my “Dear diary” blog.
Regular Comedy Gigs List
This is a listing of regular comedy gigs in Aotearoa (New Zealand) I’ve been building for a while. The data is live-updated but cached for up to 10 minutes.
[gdoc key=”″ query=”select F, count(B) group by F” chart=”Pie” title=”Gigs by area”][/gdoc]
[gdoc key=”″ query=”select E, count(B) group by E” chart=”Pie” title=”Gigs by type”][/gdoc]
Data (Tabular)
I’m sorry that this table is really ugly.
[gdoc key=”″ query=”select B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K order by F, B” datatables_order=’%5B%5B 4, “asc” %5D, %5B 0, “asc” %5D%5D’]Regular Gigs[/gdoc]
It’s been a busy few days
With comedy bookings it seems it’s either a feast or a famine. After a bit of a lean patch I’ve been gigging regularly for the last few weeks and have two more gigs coming up this week.
Sunday just been was also the final date for doing “Early bird” registrations for the upcoming Auckland Fringe. My show will be a funny but non-comedy show about the 53 years before I began my transition & publicly appeared as Julia. I spent hours selecting photos from the last 20 years to make a collage for my publicity image & had my application ready to submit less than an hour before I was due on stage at George. Then I had to had to rush home after the show to email an embarrassing apology for getting the show’s run dates wrong.
I also had a mistake on one version of the show’s publicity image they asked me to fix. As it was a collage image, it was easier to recreate it than fix it.
Website: Events Made Easy and Twitter
OK, the story so far.
I’ve created the site. I’ve installed and done some basic set-up on an event calendar plug-in called Events Made Easy. It seems to do almost everything I’ll need but I haven’t yet tried all those features. I need to change the default style for the next few events in the side bar, but that’s just grunt work and updating myself on the “joys” of css.
I’ve also put a javascript feed of my twitter posts into the sidebar. I don’t do one-liners on stage but do think of a few so I’ve been using Twitter as a way of telling them. Adding the feed has actually put some joke on the site. Yay Me!!!
The template I’ve got for the site is a bit bland, but that’s going to be easy enough to fix. Either find one I like or see the comments about CSS above.