Me: But the Yalu is over 2,000 km from Wuhan.
Them: It was a big flood.
Me: A flood that big would push the ice wall off the edge of the world and drain the oceans.
(More … )
Comedian, Playwright, Director, Producer
Me: But the Yalu is over 2,000 km from Wuhan.
Them: It was a big flood.
Me: A flood that big would push the ice wall off the edge of the world and drain the oceans.
(More … )
[Most of the people who believe Australia doesn’t exist also believe Atlantis doesn’t exist…]
This should be easy to debunk, so I asked “If Atlantis doesn’t exist, where do the mermaids come from?”
Their answer, they escaped from a lab in Wuhan when the Yalu river flooded.