On Hiatus

When I started doing this series 9 months ago I said that Joke A Day was to encourage me, not a promise. Despite that I have posted one a day since then.

Stuff’s been happening in my life leaving me exhausted & I find myself needing a short break during which I’ll post updated versions of the early memes. Facebook & Instagram run a couple of weeks behind the series on here so I’ll need to start posting new superheroes / villains here no later than 19 November to not break the series there.

When I’m back I already have the text for Subtext, Captain Obvious, Plasticor & Magneta ready to roll so I just need to create the graphics. There’s about another hundred in draft to fix the text and create the graphics.


Super Hero File

Name: DEATHman

Origin: In an attempt to reduce his workload, DEATH comes to Earth and battles people who ignore workplace and road safety rules.

Powers: Catchphrase: Quick Vulture, to the DEATHmobile.

Aims: Lower death rate.

Weaknesses: Contractually forbidden to resurrect clients.

Foes: Simeon Brown

Affiliates: Vulture


Super Villain File

Name: Tornado

Origin: Originally a plant ecologist until leaves blown by Leaf Rider during her origin gave her the power to blow back with massive force.

Powers: Creates massive winds that can destroy anything in their path.

Aims: End Leaf Blower’s control of fallen leaves to allow natural composting.

Weaknesses: Can not enter storm cellars.

Foes: Leaf Rider