Physarum polycephalum is a slime mold with 507 sexes.
Can you imagine what their version of Tindr must be like?
Comedian, Playwright, Director, Producer
Physarum polycephalum is a slime mold with 507 sexes.
Can you imagine what their version of Tindr must be like?
I have diarrhoea & feel wobbly.
I told you my cooking at home wasn’t safe.
Get addicted to celery.
Gambling, sugar, sex, heroin, tobacco, meth-amphetamine addictions will kill you or ruin your life.
Celery is the answer.
Celery is a pretty harmless thing to be addicted to, just don’t mainline the bloody stuff
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns.
But no word for fear of comedians?
When I say I fix up my lipstick after smoking.
I mean I can only find my lipstick when I’m searching my handbag for a lighter!
If they ban fireworks at Guy Fawkes, how do we stop the papists returning and blowing up parliament?
“Optimists say the cup is half full Pessimists say the cup is half empty.
Julia doesn’t care as long as the half that’s there is coffee.”
— a former co-worker
Airline food’s bad because something has to make hospital food look good.
Forget to pay the exorcist & be repossessed.
So ironic that I’m now DEATH‘s ghostwriter.