Tag: Joke
Animal Names. Episode 4, Lizard.
While Europe was busy conquering the world, the Americans dug up the fossils of the largest animals to ever walk the Earth.
Did they name them for being the largest?
You know the answer, of course not.
What about the long neck and tiny head or the tail just the same but no head or the secondary brain in its arse?
NEVER! They named it “Sauropod” meaning “Lizard foot” like every other four footed reptile.
Animal Names. Episode 3b: Largest cont.
… and then the French decided to call all the big herbivores “Pachyderme” from Greek pakhúdérma (thick+skin).
Because you need a thick skin to deal with the French?
Or was it the Romans?
Animal Names. Episode 3a, Largest cont.
… What about its sticky-outie teeth?
Its flexible nose?
Its legs like umbrella stands?
No! No! No!
So what did they call it?
Elephas, possibly from Phoenician through Greek and we have no proof what that meant. …
(It possibly meant “Ivory”, Homer used it as such)
Animal Names. Episode 2, Pot Belly.
It started with the Greeks.
They went to north Africa & were shown this huge beast on the riverbanks.
Did they name it for its pot belly? Too easy.
How about its fat legs? Peg like teeth? No, no!
They called it hippopótamos: Water horse.
Love to see you saddle that buster!
Animal Names. Episode 1, Introduction.
One of the things that really annoys me is giving stupid pseudo Latin or Greek names to animals.
Read on for examples …
Thinking Trees
My joke about thinking trees flopped.
It was too cerebral for most and too arboreal for others.
Diet Blood
Does the bar serve diet blood or just that crappy blood zero?
Asking for a friend.
Birthdays are funny things.
We’re basically celebrating that we haven’t died during the previous 365 days.
Why not celebrate the last day of every month we haven’t died in?
More parties.
Add extra colour to your salads with these pretty red mushrooms.