The funniest thing about my DEATH character is that it’s doing live comedy.
DEATH and Taxis
Nothing is certain in this world except death and taxis.
Tour of Europe
Q: What do dead Kiwis tour Europe in?
A: VW Zombis.
Forget to pay the exorcist & be repossessed.
Death’s Ghostwriter
So ironic that I’m now DEATH‘s ghostwriter.
Super Hero File
Name: DEATHman
Origin: In an attempt to reduce his workload, DEATH comes to Earth and battles people who ignore workplace and road safety rules.
Powers: Catchphrase: Quick Vulture, to the DEATHmobile.
Aims: Lower death rate.
Weaknesses: Contractually forbidden to resurrect clients.
Foes: Simeon Brown
Affiliates: Vulture
Airline Food
“Why is airline food so bad?”
“Something has to make post funeral refreshments seem good.”
Still Waiting
Day 123,456, still not Godot.
DEATH steps in.
I’m over donating to cancer.
The cynical bastard takes our money and keeps killing people.
Open Mic
Julia says “At an open mic, some comedians will kill and others will die.”
DEATH replies “All good. Either way suits me.”