Does the bar serve diet blood or just that crappy blood zero?
Asking for a friend.
Comedian, Playwright, Director, Producer
Does the bar serve diet blood or just that crappy blood zero?
Asking for a friend.
Et in Arcadia Ego.
(“Even in Arcadia, there am I”, Mission Bay not Arcadia, but who’s counting?)
Add extra colour to your salads with these pretty red mushrooms.
Stop sending me virgins …
Do I look like a chaperone?
Julia says “One day the stars will align.”
DEATH replies “Yes! On 6 May 2492. It’s the 1,000th anniversary of Columbus’ first trip.”
Julia says “I think I am dying.”
DEATH replies “I’m awfully busy, wait your turn Julia.”
Don’t worry about being alive.
I know it’s just a phase you’re going through, you’ll grow out of it.
Some comedians will kill.
Others will die.
Either way I’m happy.
David Seymour: Too many children are spreading Covid at school.
DEATH: Not wanting to endorse breathing, but can’t you limit it to their breaks?
All berries are edible.
Some only once.